$444.00 USD

$OURCE: unlocking the codes to quantum wealth

We all long for wealth, whether we want to admit it or not. Yet most of us are super confused as to what wealth truly is. We have some idea that if we could see the little digital numbers on our screens go up and up, that would somehow satisfy us. But numbers and pixels actually have nothing to do with wealth. Wealth is an experience, and it can only be accessed in the NOW.


I will teach you how to access and grow the currency of wealth in your life now. Because wealth is a currency. It is a current of energy. A flow.

I will introduce you to embodiments on how to tap into this flow, to open yourself to it right here and now, and to begin to grow and amass it.

You will finally learn how to want what you really want and get what you really want.

You will be shown how to open your openings so that the currency of wealth can flow in and flow out of you in that satisfying way where all of your needs are fulfilled and you experience more pleasure than you can imagine.

You will be instantly connected with the glorious feeling of abundance and you will discover experientially that the true source to any source of wealth is Source itself.

…A Source that lives inside of you and can be accessed with ease in every moment.  



  • Money Isn't Real

  • Be Wealthy Now

  • The Power of Desire

  • Open Your Openings

  • The $ource of Wealth

  • Interbeing

  • Re: $ource



"The $ource program was EXACTLY what I needed (and what everyone needs). As a result of this class, I had one of the biggest launches in my business during this time... and more impressive than that: it wasn't a grind. It felt easy, attracting clients I could help felt effortless. I noticed clumps of money flowing from my Stripe account to my bank account and celebrated them vs. thinking about where I'd get more or the next sale. I even caught a $1,111 that made me so overjoyed and felt like a sign of being on the right path. Signing up for this program and doing the work will not only be valuable, but it will also come back to you ten-fold." –Alison M.

“By surrendering to infinite possibilities and the unknown, I manifested an envelope with $3,000 euros in the second week of the program. This class helped me deepen my understanding of what it means to tap into my inner power, that force that all of us have inside. When I tap into my life force, I can create wealth and everything that I desire from a place of peace, certainty, and joy. I’ve learned how to open my openings to giving and receiving in a way that feels good and makes me feel more alive and happy. It changed my perspective on what money represents and the way I see debt. I loved how Dr. Sam combines practical/science-based information with spirituality. Let me tell you, she’s damn smart but equally kind and caring. It’s a program that all of us should take because it’s a game changer.” –Adriana B. 

“During Dr Sam’s quantum wealth course I was blessed with so many magical ‘coincidences.’ It seemed like every class unlocked new levels. During the course, I felt safe enough to finally quit a job I was miserable in for years. What followed after was a deep expansion into abundance. Two days later, I received a totally unexpected $20k bonus check from a previous business sale deal I closed earlier. It seemed like the money “magically” appeared in my account, but I knew that when you make room and “open your openings” (one of the lessons of the course) to receive you will be divinely taken care of. Plus there were other surprises like free dinners, checks from the IRS, and people who were interested in investing big money into my new business showed up. The course gave me such an upgrade in my understanding of and embodying abundance.”-–Tetiana P. 

“During class on our first day, I received a $5,000 deposit into my bank account with the title ‘business loan’ out of nowhere and a day later I received another mysterious $5,000. I had more money and abundance in all areas during those three weeks, and I even signed the lease for my new home the day before the first class! It feels like Sam offers classes just when the universe is sending a nudge to level up, or open up in a specific area. The class felt so thoughtful and intentional and focused on so many different facets of wealth. I'm excited to revisit it soon and keep spiraling up and getting deeper into the vibration of wealth!” –Rivky G.

"The $OURCE class was such a potent reminder that abundance is all around us and that all we need to do is open our openings to receive. During the group, my business had its biggest day of sales ever, on a day where I had taken time off to relax and have fun. I felt so many shifts within myself in my relationship to wealth and money. It awakened a curiosity within me on how I'd like to consciously create a life of abundance in a way that is ethical, sustainable, and fun. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to tap into their own creative prowess when it comes to wealth creation." –Wana A.